MLK no sólo fue un líder icónico en la lucha de nuestro país por los Derechos Civiles, sino que también se preocupó profundamente por las familias trabajadoras y habló en contra de los desafíos que enfrenta el trabajo.
Brothers and Sisters: As we give thanks this holiday season, we must not forget to honor the sacrifice of the men and women who put their lives on the line...Read More
Your Teamsters contract is a powerful tool - it provides negotiated wage rates and benefits, job security, and a process for addressing grievances. The contract is a codified framework that...Read More
John Scearcy, nuevo Secretario-Tesorero de @Teamsters Local 117, expone su visión del futuro.
Often when Union members evaluate the value of their Teamsters' contract, they give heavy consideration to the economic package guaranteed in the agreement. Granted the economics are a very important...Read More
Brothers and Sisters: Last summer, we conducted focus groups for dozens of members of Teamsters Local 117. We wanted to hear from you about how to build a stronger Union...Read More
Brothers and Sisters: Please join me in welcoming into our Union over 400 new members of Teamsters Local 117 who work in the graphic communications industry. These new Teamsters come...Read More
Brothers and Sisters: When the magnitude of the Oso mudslide tragedy became apparent, a group of Washington State correctional officers, of their own volition, answered the call for volunteers to...Read More
Brothers and Sisters: I recently spent two amazing days with over three hundred labor leaders, community activists, faith leaders and environmentalists from across the country. The Partnership for Working Families...Read More
Brothers and Sisters: The Boeing Machinists are not the only ones seeing their defined benefit pension plans under attack. For the last several years, corporate-backed politicians and the media have...Read More