Last week, Teamsters at MV Transportation joined together to hear from their bargaining committee about ongoing contract negotiations.
The committee reported that, despite five months of intense bargaining, they've yet to reach a deal. The company has been unwilling to close the large gap that exists on core economics, things like healthcare, pension, and wages.
After the update and having worked nearly two months without a contract, the group voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike.
“We aren’t asking for the sun and the moon in this bargain," said union rep and lead negotiator, Laura Bolinger. "We're asking that our members get fair and equal pay for equal work."
Shara Wallace, a shop steward on the committee, talked about how MV wages aren't nearly enough to get by on. “There are days when I have to choose between feeding myself and taking my medications. I need these medications to live, so sometimes I have to go to the local food bank.”
At the bargaining table, Wallace asked the company if they knew about the food donation box in the lobby for MV workers in need. Then she added: “Do you know who buys my kid Christmas presents every year? My Union does, because my Union cares about me. Laura cares about me."
At the meeting, members gave notice that their healthcare costs had recently increased even though the company is required to maintain status quo during bargaining. If this is not rectified, we will have no choice but to file an Unfair Labor Practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board.
"We want our members to be able to take care of their families, go to the doctor when they need to, and eventually retire with dignity," said Paul Dascher, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters 117. "MV can make sure that happens by bargaining a contract that is fair for these workers.”
Our Union team is back in negotiations with the company on December 16 and 17. We are hoping the message of this strike authorization is loud and clear.
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