Our Local 117 bargaining team for King County Total Comp negotiations.
Your union bargaining committee worked overtime last year to achieve a first-ever Master Labor Agreement with the County.
Members in all of our participating Teamster bargaining units voted overwhelmingly to ratify the MLA and their unit’s appendix agreement earlier this year. Voter turnout was historically high.
The agreement achieved a 3.25% general wage increase for 2018 along with a number of other enhancements to your rights at work. You will receive the MLA wage increase retroactive to January 1, 2018 as soon as the contract makes its way through the Council’s transmittal process.
Now our bargaining team is back at the table for a new round of negotiations. “Total Comp” negotiations between our Coalition of Unions and the County kicked off yesterday at our Teamsters hall in Tukwila.
While the MLA consolidated the strongest elements of union contracts across the County into one Master agreement, Total Comp deals with economics only – your wages and health care for 2019-2020.
Yesterday’s session was devoted to introductions and establishing ground rules. One of our shop stewards on the bargaining team, Lisa Huntley, who works in the County’s Solid Waste Division, expressed our union’s expectations for these negotiations.
“We can see in the area how much our property taxes have gone up and how much it costs to live here. That needs to be reflected in our wages,” she said. “We also need to maintain our health benefits and address general equity issues.”
"We can see in the area how much our property taxes have gone up and how much it costs to live here."
Our next meeting with the County is scheduled for Thursday, March 22. We expect these negotiations will run into the summer of this year. We will keep you updated as they progress.
If you have questions, please contact your bargaining committee member or your Union Representative.
Your Teamsters Local 117 Total Comp bargaining Team
- Teresa Allen, WTD - Renton
- Steven Baruso, WTD - Finance
- Amon Billups, Jr, PT&A
- Chris Boyle, WTD - Managers
- Lynn Constantine, PT&A
- Terry De Priest, DOT JUA
- Dan Fernandez, POA
- Mari Jane Friel, Utilities, Roads/Fall City
- Machelle Gatewood, DOT JUA
- Cheryl Ann Gunderson, CIT - KCIT
- George Horning, IT Mgrs/Sups
- Steve Huang, WTD - West Point
- Lisa Huntley, Solid Waste Division
- Rochelle James, RALS
- Lisa Longdon, PT&A
- Vicki Moore, Elections
- Dan Nwaelele, PT&A
- Lisa Ohlen, RALS
- Brian Pinney, Solid Waste Division/Cedar Hills
- Gregory Raburn, PT&A
- Rick Reinlasoder, PT&A
- Robin Robinson, WTD
- Candi Santo, PT&A
- Robert Stalnaker, King County Sheriff’s Office
- Debbie Valle, PAO
- Lester Van Gelder, WTD
- Kathleen Vanderpool, PT&A
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