Your-Vote-Counts.jpgIt’s election time, and the stakes are incredibly high. Your vote for candidates who share the values of working families will help build stronger communities for all members of Teamsters 117. 

Por eso es tan importante que envíes por correo tu boleta para las elecciones generales de 2013 inmediatamente. Aquí hay algunos de los candidatos y temas que pueden estar en su votación local: 

  1. An unprecedented NINE Teamsters – including four Local 117 members at the Department of Corrections – are running for city council; 
  2. El más grande campaña por un salario digno en el país está sucediendo en la ciudad de SeaTac; 
  3. Los votantes de la Península decidirán si inclinar o no la El Senado del Estado a favor de las familias trabajadoras;
  4. Tacoma voters will decide whether to fix their streets and create dozens of new Teamster jobs. 

These issues, along with other critically important issues in your community, will be decided by voters this election. For a list of all Teamster 117 endorsements, please click here

If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call at 206-441-4860 ext.1262. Make your vote count and mail in your ballot today!