Shop Steward, health expert, and member extraordinaire Karla Clark sports the snazziest glasses at Teamsters 117.
With an exuberant smile and relaxed demeanor, Teamster Karla Clark gives off a happy, healthy vibe. It’s no wonder that this new Shop Steward serves on the wellness team in her job at King County, where she educates employees about how to stay healthy in mind, body, and spirit.
Karla also has a background in communications. Her diverse skillset is ideally suited for the podcasts she hosts, one on wellness for work and another in her free time that delves into the world of music and entertainment.
With so much going on in her life, Karla somehow finds time to be involved in her Union. She is both a Shop Steward and a member of our Political Advisory Committee that interviews candidates and make recommendations on who our Union should endorse in local and statewide elections.
I met up with Karla to talk about her job, her experience on the endorsement committee, and all things Teamsters.
How did you come to work at King County?
I used to be a producer at KOMO radio. They had me working all hours. It was crazy. I remember having to get up at 2 a.m. to record a piece on Princess Di’s funeral. I wanted a job with normal hours so I changed career paths and eventually ended up at the County.
You weren't always a fan of unions. What changed your mind?
I didn’t know a lot about them — I’d heard some good things and some bad. But when I met Maria and Lisa*, they got me interested in learning more about what the Teamsters do, how we help employees and hold employers accountable. I’ve learned so much in the last eight months. It’s been amazing.
What led you to participate on our Union's endorsement committee?
I was at one of the trainings for new Shop Stewards and Memo** talked about the committee. Lisa tapped me on the shoulder and said, "You’d be great at that!"
What has been your experience on the committee?
It’s been amazing. We have face-to-face meetings with the candidates. We see if they will support our members and if they'll put some action behind it.
We get to ask questions that are important to us. For me, public safety is a big issue. I mainly telecommute, but sometimes I have meetings in Pioneer Square. Recently, I was accosted by someone downtown. So my question for the candidates was, "What are you going to do about public safety?"
Karla (l) together with Memo (c) and Heather McMahon (r) at the WSLC Convention in Wenatchee.
Why is it important to elect candidates that support workers?
Your job is a huge chunk of your life — at least 75%. You need to have food on your table, clothes on your back, and a roof over your head. Workers should feel comfortable and safe at their jobs and have fair opportunities for promotions. Having candidates that support workers and a Union like Local 117 is hugely important.
Is there one particular candidate that impressed you?
I liked Bob Ferguson. He was able to answer the questions better, and he came across as genuine. He said he would meet directly with working folks if he got elected and that he'd try to make a difference in our lives.
What do you like to do when you're not at work?
I like to travel. I enjoy hanging out with family and friends, having get-togethers, hanging out with my people. My dad loves to barbecue. I love the beach. During the summer, you’ll find me near the water somewhere.
*Maria Williams is our Union's President and Director of Representation. Lisa Longdon is a Trustee on our Union's Executive Board.
**Memo, Guillermo Mogollan, is our Union's Political Organizer
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