Teamsters 117 members rally on the Capitol steps during our 2024 lobby day, bringing our Union's voice to Olympia.
The 2025 legislative session in Olympia kicks off on Monday, January 13 and is expected to run through the end of April. This is a time when the Washington State Legislature will be making critical public-policy decisions that will impact working families across our state.
In anticipation of session, our Union's Legislative Affairs Department has been working with members to put together our legislative agenda for 2025.
Members will have two opportunities to meet directly with legislators to talk about our priorities. Our Lobby Day for Teamsters at the Department of Corrections will be held on Wednesday, January 29 in Olympia. On Thursday, February 6, we will be partnering with the Washington State Labor Council for a WSLC Lobby Day to lift the voices of Teamsters working in both the private sector and other public sector jurisdictions.
All members of Teamsters 117 are encouraged to participate in these events. If you are interested, please contact Political Organizer Guillermo Mogollan at [email protected].
Unemployment Insurance for Striking Workers (SB 5041)
During the 2024 legislative session, Teamsters 117 fought to pass legislation that would grant unemployment insurance assistance to striking workers. While we fell just short of our goal last year, we will be back in 2025, demanding that the legislature approve this important bill. By passing SB 5041, Washington can join New York, New Jersey and Maine in allowing workers to access unemployment insurance after more than two weeks on strike. This will help level the playing field between workers and their employers, discourage the threat of economic hardship as a bargaining strategy, and promote good-faith contract negotiations.
Holding Employers and Third-party Administrators Accountable (HB 1059)
Large employers often self-insure to dodge their responsibilities under the state's workers' compensation program. They contract with unscrupulous Third-Party Administrators that can unfairly deny benefits to workers who have been injured on the job. HB 1059 would hold both public and private sector employers and their Third-Party Administrators accountable when they deprive injured workers of their right to workers' comp under the law.
Safety for Autonomous Vehicles (SB 5042)
According to the U.S. Dept of Transportation, there were 496 injuries and fatalities involving autonomous vehicles between 2019-2024. While rapid advancements have been made, the technology is clearly not ready for widespread commercial use. This bill will require a human safety operator in all autonomous commercial vehicles.
Strengthening Labor Standards in WA State (HB 1181)
Teamsters 117, together with a broad coalition of unions, will be calling on the legislature to strengthen our state's Labor Standards and Minimum Wage act. This involves raising the state's minimum wage to $17.50/hr in 2026, requiring employers to provide workers with paid vacation and paid bereavement leave as well as expanding paid sick leave protections.
Fund our DOC Contract
Our members at the Department of Corrections face enormous challenges in the workplace. Chronic understaffing, excessive overtime, and mismanagement by the agency have led to safety and security issues that put our members in harm's way. We need to educate legislators about the nature of this important public safety work. An important step toward recognizing these workers is funding their 2025-2027 collective bargaining agreement. An independent arbitrator has issued an award with a minimum 8% wage increase for all of our DOC members for the coming biennium. Let's make sure the legislature funds the arbitrator's award.
Interest Arbitration Rights for WMS (HB 1068 / SB 5039)
In 2024, hundreds of WMS staff at the Department of Corrections joined Teamsters 117. These members coordinate and manage teams of correctional workers inside our state's prisons and in our communities. With this legislation, WMS employees would gain interest arbitration rights - the same rights currently enjoyed by police, firefighters, 911 telecommunicators, and other Washington State corrections employees who are represented by Teamsters 117. Interest arbitration levels the playing field in contract negotiations and gives workers the right to bring contract disputes involving mandatory subjects of bargaining to a third-party arbitrator for resolution.
Interest Arbitration for LE Officers in Small Jurisdictions (SB 5040)
Current statute unfairly carves out law enforcement officers in small jurisdictions from having access to interest arbitration rights. SB 5040 would expand the state's definition of uniformed personnel to include all law enforcement officers employed by a city, town, or county. This change would grant interest arbitration rights and a level playing field in negotiations to our members working in small towns and cities across our state.
Presumptive PTSD Coverage for DOC (HB 1070 / SB 5043)
Teamsters at the Department of Corrections are often exposed to traumatic incidents in the workplace. Assaults, fights, suicide, and the threat of violence occur much more frequently in a prison environment than in other workplaces. Occupational stress and exposure to trauma lead to high rates of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among prison staff. In 2025, we will be working to pass legislation that would give DOC employees presumptive coverage for PTSD for workers' compensation through the Department of Labor and Industries. This presumption is already extended to other public safety employees such as police officers, firefighters, nurses, and 911 telecommunicators.
Supplemental Retirement for DOC (HB 1069 / SB 5044)
The state's retirement system forces many corrections employees to work longer than they should, which can compromise staff safety inside the prisons. Employees often work well into their 60's and beyond because they don't have sufficient benefits that will support them in retirement or access to affordable healthcare. HB 1069 / SB 5044 would amend state law to allow workers and their unions to negotiate over supplemental retirement benefits, including medical plans. This will give Teamsters at the DOC the opportunity to retire with dignity.
If you have questions, please reach out to your Union Representative or connect with our Teamsters 117 Legislative Affairs Department.
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