Our Union has filed an Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) charge with the Public Employment Relations Commission (PERC) in protest of temporary layoffs imposed on the membership by the DOC.

In our ULP, we assert that DOC intentionally sabotaged the Union's efforts to achieve savings at the agency by neglecting a negotiated memorandum of understanding (MOU) that allowed members to submit for voluntary furlough days.

By refusing to administer voluntary furloughs on a statewide level and allowing lower-level management to reject legitimate voluntary furlough requests, the DOC undermined its agreement with the Union. 

We believe this was a calculated decision by the Department to achieve a predetermined goal that the Union had rejected in negotiations - to impose widespread temporary layoffs on the membership. 

En las negociaciones, dijimos explícitamente al Departamento que su plan de despido temporal pondría en peligro la seguridad de nuestros miembros y violaría los términos de nuestro convenio colectivo. 

Pero en lugar de negociar de buena fe, el DOC se dedicó a negociar ilegalmente de mala fe y siguió con su imprudente plan de implementar despidos temporales.

Como remedio, pedimos que se impida al Departamento de Defensa aplicar futuros despidos temporales y que se conceda un alivio monetario a los miembros que fueron despedidos ilegalmente. 

You can read the Union's ULP statement of facts presented to PERC online here.

If you have questions, please reach out to your Union Representative.